Thursday, March 8, 2012

Giving the Gift of Camaraderie


Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among friends; comradeship.

The strength of our military depends on many factors--training, physical strength, discipline and camaraderie.  And each of these factors also help the individual service member.

It is not surprising that when a service member is physically wounded, it also impacts them emotionally.  They are medically retired from the military and have lost not only the career they loved but also miss the discipline, routine and close friendships that they have built and thrive on.

Many of the programs supported by Hope For The Warriors® focus on building camaraderie within the wounded community for these service members.  Our Outdoor Adventures Program and the hunting trips that we help to facilitate are a perfect example. Not only are service members invited to return to the outdoor sport they love, they have the opportunity to reconnect with veterans and service members.

As one participant shared:

"We got to hunt a lot and we had a lot of fun doing it...thanks for helping me meet more wounded veterans."

A thank you goes to the hosts of our hunting trips--landowners throughout the country who invite and host our wounded for these weekend trips.  If you are interested in learning more, please contact

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