We are excited to announce the addition of The Tina Atherall “Restoring Hope” Scholarship. This unique new scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing his or her Masters in Social Work.
As one of the founders of Hope For The Warriors®, Tina Atherall continues supporting others through her position as Director of MSW Recruitment, Outreach, and Enrollment Management at Touro College Graduate School of Social Work. She continues to advise MSW Interns with Hope For The Warriors®, inspiring many to continue her legacy of support to military families.
If you are interested in a scholarship towards pursuing your Masters in Social Work, or any of the Spouse/Caregiver Scholarships provided by Hope For The Warriors®, apply today!
Applications for the Spouse/Caregiver Scholarships are due Monday, June 1.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
PTSD: Injury or Disorder?
Written by Vicki Lane
I have always been bothered by the term Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I do not understand how the reactions that some service members and veterans have to the trauma, terror, sadness, horror, and immoralities of war could be defined and diagnosed as a "disorder." After all, isn’t a disorder when something occurs outside the normal range of what is expected? Doesn’t it imply something is “wrong” with the individual? Since research indicates 20-30% of service members are developing post-traumatic stress symptoms, is it really a disorder, or simply a common reaction to the horrendous stresses of combat?
I understand the need to have a name, defined criteria, and diagnosis for the reactions and symptoms. I understand we need to ensure our service members and veterans are receiving appropriate treatment and qualify for benefits. And I understand this requires a diagnosis. But I don’t believe the diagnosis needs to be a “disorder.”
At our recent Staff Development Conference I had an Aha moment. Dr. Bill Nash, M.D., CAPT, MC, USN (Ret.) was pointing out that perhaps some of what is currently being diagnosed as PTSD is more likely to be Moral Injury (which I addressed in an earlier blog). And although Moral Injury is not yet recognized as a diagnosable injury, other injuries such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) certainly are. So I thought why can’t we change PTSD to PTSI--Post Traumatic Stress Injury?
Well, it turns out Gen. Peter Chiarelli, retired Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, Dr. Nash, and countless others have been advocating for this very change for several years. Gen. Chiarelli began fighting to change the diagnosis around 2011, following two tours in Iraq, where he became increasingly concerned about the rising rates of suicide in the Army. He concluded after reviewing case after case that many service members hate being diagnosed with a “disorder” and therefore, much too often, suffer in silence and do not receive the help they need and deserve. Gen. Chiarelli believes that the word ‘injury’ suggests that service members and veterans can heal if they receive treatment, however being labeled with a disorder implies that something is permanently wrong and cannot be healed, which may discourage seeking treatment (Ochberg, March-April 2013 Military Review).
Gen. Chiarelli is quoted as saying, “For a soldier who sees the kinds of things soldiers see and experience on the battlefield today, to tell them what they’re experiencing is a disorder does a tremendous disservice. It’s not a disorder. It’s an injury.” Gen. Chiarelli suggests that changing the wording from "disorder" to "injury" would put PTSD on par with other wounds of war. Dr. Nash wrote in an email to the NewsHour, “In war, injuries are inherently honorable. Diseases and disorders are not” (Sagalyn December 6, 2011 PBS Newhour).
Unfortunately, although many military leaders, mental health professionals, and others still believe PTSI is a better term than PTSD because it is more accurate and those who are dealing with the condition prefer it, the publication of the latest edition of the APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (the reference manual mental health professionals and physicians use to diagnose mental illness) in May of 2013 still identifies the group of symptoms as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And although I came to my Aha moment much later than the likes of Gen. Chiarelli and Dr. Nash, I still firmly believe the service members and veterans I work with who have been diagnosed with PTSD have incurred an injury and are not suffering from a disorder.
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Marines in southern Afghanistan. Photo by Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images. |
Monday, May 25, 2015
A Warrior's Wish Recipients Receive Fishing Boat & Memorial Day Celebration
Staff Sgt. Floyd Peters, USA (Ret.), along with his wife and five children, applied to A Warrior’s Wish® for a bass boat to take his family and fellow veterans fishing. After 23 years in the Army, he is now medically retired from the military and diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Hope For The Warriors® granted his Wish for a Bass Pro 160 Tracker fishing boat to share his recovery process with fellow veterans, friends, and family.

Friday, May 22, 2015
Combating Mental Health Stigma with Statistics
Written by Brianne Sampson
There are roughly 23.4 million veterans in the United States. In addition, there are an estimated 2.2 million service members actively serving and 3.1 immediate family members. Yet these numbers only represent about 1% of the general population (SAMHSA, 2014).
There are roughly 23.4 million veterans in the United States. In addition, there are an estimated 2.2 million service members actively serving and 3.1 immediate family members. Yet these numbers only represent about 1% of the general population (SAMHSA, 2014).
For those who have served, both on the frontline and back on
the homefront, the demands and stresses of military life are unique and widely
misunderstood throughout the general population. Consider this, nearly 18% of
service members returning from Iraq or Afghanistan have post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) or depression (SAMHSA, 2014). So roughly, 2 out of every 20
service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from a mental
health diagnosis. Yet only half of those who suffer will seek out professional
Alcohol use within the military culture is considered common
and is often a part of military traditions. Once a service member or a veteran
begins consuming alcohol at a rate higher than intended or begins experiencing
complications from alcohol use within their lives, the substance use becomes a
problem and is then considered to be a substance use disorder. It is estimated
that nearly 30% of those veterans already suffering from a mental health
disorder, such as PTSD or depression, are also suffering from a substance use
disorder. When a service member suffers from a mental health disorder and also
has a substance use disorder, studies show they are even more resistant to
seeking professional treatment.
While stigma associated with mental health disorders are not
isolated to the military population, the barriers to seeking treatment have
different origins than the general population. Those service members still
actively serving fear the loss of respect and trust within their units.
Furthermore, seeking treatment is believed to be a sign of weakness (Hoge et
al., 2004). Considering camaraderie is the backbone of military culture, this
type of stigma can be crippling.
Treatment programs that address both mental health disorders
and substance use disorders concurrently are becoming more commonplace and are
now considered evidence-based treatments. Previously it was thought that a
veteran had to address the substance use disorder before they could effectively
participate in treatment that would address their mental health disorder.
Treating only one disorder at a time could cause the veteran to bounce between
problematic behaviors and various treatment approaches. For example, veterans
may seek avoidance from depressive feelings or traumatic memories through
substance use while attending treatment for their mental health disorder. It
may appear they are making progress in treatment, when really they are avoiding
the feelings through substance use. Likewise, a veteran may attend treatment to
abstain from substance use, but not be able to properly address the issues that
initially caused the veteran to turn to substance use, putting the veteran at
an increased chance for relapse. Participating in treatment that addresses both
issues simultaneously provides the veteran with the ability to develop coping
skills to address the substance use and the mental health disorder and
education about how the two are related. Treating PTSD, or other mental
illnesses, at the same time as a substance use disorder is considered the most
effective treatment method at the current time.
What does this all mean? While the statistics provided may
be sobering, our veterans are not just numbers. The stigma of substance use
disorders and mental health disorders exist and often prevent veterans from
seeking treatment, leaving them at an increased risk for homelessness and
suicide. These conditions are difficult to overcome, but there is hope! Removing
the stigma associated with mental health disorders and substance use disorders
can only happen if we agree to address the problem as a nation.
There are programs within the Department of Defense and the Veterans Health Administration that are addressing these issues. However, more support is needed within our local communities. These programs cannot be successful if veterans are not willing to access treatment. Reaching out to veterans in need should be a shared responsibility, and one that should not be taken lightly. Resources such as Coaching into Care, a confidential hotline, have also been created to help family members and friends talk to veterans about these difficult topics. We should all be willing to serve them, just as they have served our country.
There are programs within the Department of Defense and the Veterans Health Administration that are addressing these issues. However, more support is needed within our local communities. These programs cannot be successful if veterans are not willing to access treatment. Reaching out to veterans in need should be a shared responsibility, and one that should not be taken lightly. Resources such as Coaching into Care, a confidential hotline, have also been created to help family members and friends talk to veterans about these difficult topics. We should all be willing to serve them, just as they have served our country.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Service Members Open Turkey Hunting Season with Experts From Mossy Oak
In the first weekend of the US turkey hunting season, Hope For The Warriors® was invited to participate in the Mossy Oak Turkey THUGS Spring Gobbler Hunt. The hunt took place on March 6-9, in Arcadia, Florida. Two service members, Martin, an Active Duty Marine Scout Sniper and EOD student, and Joe, a former Marine Scout Sniper, were able to enjoy a rejuvenating weekend of hunting.
am so thankful I was able to attend [the hunt]. It was such a relaxing
atmosphere and such a blessing to be able to spend time with people that have
some of the same issues and struggles that I do,” said Joe. “It is something I
highly recommend to all of the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans out there that
just need to take a breather from day to day life.”
Martin and Joe were able to hunt with some of the best hunters in the business,
Keith Kelly and Bubba Bruce, from Turkey THUGS, who have a combined total of
over 80 years of turkey hunting experience. Mossy Oak Turkey THUGS is a
television series that not only provides entertainment, but also is dedicated
to helping service members get back to outdoor activities. Mossy Oak recorded
the hunt and testimonials, which will air in the fall on the Pursuit
like this one are so important to veterans for many reasons, it allows us to
link up with like-minded individuals and talk about similar pasts,” said Martin. “When people take their time and funds and do something like [this hunt] it
catches our attention in a big way. In a way, it reminded me of who and what I
was protecting.”
For The Warriors® would like to thank Mossy Oak Turkey THUGS and a host of
local friends who were absolutely wonderful in their support of the hunt.
Monday, May 18, 2015
The Effects of Moral Injury on Our Veterans
Written by Vicki Lane
For quite some time PTSD has been considered to be the most common and prevalent wound of recent wars—PTSD involves fear, hyper-vigilance, anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares.
However, some leading mental health experts are finding moral injury to be an even more insidious wound of war. Moral injury can shake the very moral fiber of service men and women. It violates deeply held moral and ethical values and beliefs that are rooted in our spiritual, religious, cultural, and family life. Our moral upbringing typically teaches us about fairness, right from wrong, do unto others, and the value of life—but many of these teachings are not always compatible with the horrors, chaos, and uncertainties of war. Warriors in combat can be caught in situations in which they have no opportunity to choose between right and wrong; often there is no clear distinction between enemy insurgents and innocent civilians.
The morally injured feel shame, guilt, grief, sorrow, and regret. They often wonder how they could possibly be the good person they thought they were if they could kill another human being, fail to save a “brother’s” life, witness human suffering and do nothing, become numb to atrocities of war.
My first introduction to a veteran experiencing moral injury was almost two years ago. This veteran shared that, six months after returning from Iraq, he left his base without authorization—to kill himself. Fortunately, he was found in time.
I began working with this veteran about a year after this event and he slowly began opening up and describing what had led him to contemplate suicide. He told me while he was in Iraq he was ordered to fire rockets into civilian homes even though it was known that inside, along with the insurgents, were innocent family members. He told me that the first time he was ordered to fire, he was completely devastated and did not think he could do it. He said even though there were RPGs being fired at him and his brothers, it was gut wrenching to fire back and he became physically ill afterwards. He shared that the same scenario played out numerous times during his deployment, and although he found it difficult each and every time, he nonetheless fired on the homes—knowing that there were civilians being killed or injured.
He shared that he thought about that frequently after returning home and wondered what kind of person can kill innocent women and children? He told me he was raised to value human life, to treat others kindly, and he could not forgive himself for the things he did while in Iraq. He shared that he used to think of himself as a good person, that he joined the military to help protect our country, and that he used to be proud of who he was. But then he discovered he wasn’t the person he thought he was, and that he was not a good person after all. How could he be? He killed innocent men, women, and children.
This veteran withdrew from his family and friends because he didn’t feel he deserved their love. He shared that he felt ashamed and guilty for his actions in Iraq and eventually began to believe he did not deserve to live when so many had died “at his hands.” This veteran was drastically suffering from moral injury.
For quite some time PTSD has been considered to be the most common and prevalent wound of recent wars—PTSD involves fear, hyper-vigilance, anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares.
However, some leading mental health experts are finding moral injury to be an even more insidious wound of war. Moral injury can shake the very moral fiber of service men and women. It violates deeply held moral and ethical values and beliefs that are rooted in our spiritual, religious, cultural, and family life. Our moral upbringing typically teaches us about fairness, right from wrong, do unto others, and the value of life—but many of these teachings are not always compatible with the horrors, chaos, and uncertainties of war. Warriors in combat can be caught in situations in which they have no opportunity to choose between right and wrong; often there is no clear distinction between enemy insurgents and innocent civilians.
My first introduction to a veteran experiencing moral injury was almost two years ago. This veteran shared that, six months after returning from Iraq, he left his base without authorization—to kill himself. Fortunately, he was found in time.
I began working with this veteran about a year after this event and he slowly began opening up and describing what had led him to contemplate suicide. He told me while he was in Iraq he was ordered to fire rockets into civilian homes even though it was known that inside, along with the insurgents, were innocent family members. He told me that the first time he was ordered to fire, he was completely devastated and did not think he could do it. He said even though there were RPGs being fired at him and his brothers, it was gut wrenching to fire back and he became physically ill afterwards. He shared that the same scenario played out numerous times during his deployment, and although he found it difficult each and every time, he nonetheless fired on the homes—knowing that there were civilians being killed or injured.
He shared that he thought about that frequently after returning home and wondered what kind of person can kill innocent women and children? He told me he was raised to value human life, to treat others kindly, and he could not forgive himself for the things he did while in Iraq. He shared that he used to think of himself as a good person, that he joined the military to help protect our country, and that he used to be proud of who he was. But then he discovered he wasn’t the person he thought he was, and that he was not a good person after all. How could he be? He killed innocent men, women, and children.
This veteran withdrew from his family and friends because he didn’t feel he deserved their love. He shared that he felt ashamed and guilty for his actions in Iraq and eventually began to believe he did not deserve to live when so many had died “at his hands.” This veteran was drastically suffering from moral injury.
Fortunately, this case has a happy ending thanks to senior officer who agreed to talk with the veteran. This officer helped him understand that it was not his decision to fire on these homes, that he was ordered to do so and had no choice but to follow orders. The officer shared that he also struggles with the knowledge that he was the one that gave the orders It took some time (quite a bit of time), and some deep, soulful conversations with others who were experiencing similar feelings of shame, guilt, and regret, but he finally began to see that although he may have had a small responsibility for his actions, he was following orders and could not continue to blame himself completely for his actions. He still struggles with the fact that he was the one who ultimately fired, but he said sharing his thoughts and feelings with others who have been in the same or similar situations is helping. He is beginning to recognize that he is not a bad person, and that he needs to find a way to forgive himself.
Moral injury is still not an officially recognized diagnosis and there are still may unanswered questions about the most effective way to help service members and veterans who are struggling with the effects—but for this veteran, sharing with others has made a positive difference. The last time I spoke with him he had reconnected with his family, found an apartment and a job, and was helping other veterans overcome the shame, guilt, grief, and regret they were experiencing due to moral injury.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Team Hope For The Warriors Newsletter: May
Team Hope For The Warriors® Members,
one of your training runs and boost your spring training with the Virtual Run
For The Warriors®! In honor of Memorial Day, for the entire month of May, Hope For The Warriors®
will be conducting a Virtual Run For The Warriors® to honor and remember our service
members. The Virtual Run For The Warriors® raises both funds and awareness
for Hope For The Warriors® and the needs of our military families. It can be
completed at any location, pace, distance, with a group or as an individual.
at www.hopeforthewarriors.org/2015VirtualRun. You can create
your own team or participate as an individual. Once you register you will
receive a race packet with a Run For The Warriors® T-shirt, dog tag, and a
customizable bib to show people who you are running to honor.
captain of the team that raises the most funds by May 31, with a minimum of
$500 raised, will win his or her choice of 2015 Marine Corps Marathon bib, 2015
Marine Corps Marathon 10K bib, or 2015 Army Ten-Miler bib.
2015 Team Races:
Hope For The Warriors® registration is rolling for many popular fall events!
Our bibs for the Marine Corps Marathon, Marine Corps Marathon 10K, Army
Ten-Miler, and TCS NYC Marathon are going fast. If you, or anyone you know is
interested in competing in these events on Team Hope For The Warriors® register
quickly as we have limited bibs for each race.
Below are the
confirmed dates and races for 2015
October 11, 2015 – Army Ten Miler*
October 25, 2015 – Marine Corps Marathon 10K
October 25, 2015 – Marine Corps Marathon*
November 1, 2015 – TCS NYC Marathon
*Handcycle friendly race
Fundraising Tip:
Sending personalized emails
your event registration page you can send personalized emails to potential
supporters. Follow the steps below:
- Log into your account on the specific Team Hope For The Warriors® event website in which you are registered
- Click on “Enter my HQ”
- Click the “Email” tab
- Select the template you would like to use
- Personalize your email to connect with your donors and tell them your story
- Enter personalized greeting and email addresses
if you plan on fundraising for future events cultivating your donor base will
be important, and outlining your personal connection to the cause and Hope For
The Warriors® will help your efforts.
Training Tip:
As the weather continues to get warmer, hydration will become an
important part of your training and overall health. There are many different formulas
and recommendations used to estimate how much water someone needs to drink
daily. Below is a simple formula for someone who is moderately active:
Male Daily Water Consumption,
in fluid ounces:
Body Weight x .35
Female Daily Water
Consumption, in fluid ounces:
Body Weight x .31
The amount of water you need to consume depends on many factors. For
example, if you go on a long run or have a tough workout, you will have to
drink more than the recommended amount to replenish your fluids. Always listen
to your body and drink when you are thirsty, not waiting until you are
dehydrated. Carrying around a water bottle and knowing how many times you need
to refill or how much you need to drink to stay hydrated helps you stay ready
for your next workout or race.
Team Member Corner: Molly
Molly Pannell is a D.C native, marketing
enthusiast, and lover of all things travel. She works for Monumental Sports
& Entertainment, and is an avid supporter our military. In 2010, she
briefly reconnected with childhood friend, Lance Corporal Eric Ward. He put a
face to what she had previously only seen on the news. Unfortunately, Eric was
killed in action on February 21, 2010 in Afghanistan. Since then, Molly has met
many of his Marine brothers, including Michael Martinez, who lost both of his
legs in March that same year. Eric’s passing and Michael’s friendship has given
her a lifelong passion for supporting our veterans, and they are the reason she
“I support Hope for the Warriors® because
they are a sustaining resource beside our service members and their families,”
said Molly. “This is my small way of saying thank you!”
Molly’s first connection to Hope For The
Warriors® was through Travis Hanson, Hope For The Warriors® Sports and
Recreation Senior Director. She interviewed him while doing research for her
master’s degree and was inspired by his work at Hope For The Warriors®. This
year Molly will be running in her second Marine Corps Marathon but first as
part of Team Hope For The Warriors®.
Program Information:
Team Gear:
There are new items coming soon to the online store, including a
sleeveless Team jersey! As a member of our Team, you can save 10% on all online
store items. As you train, be sure to proudly wear the Hope For The Warriors®
logo so that people know the reason for your hard work. Visit www.hopeforthewarriors.org/store and use the discount
code TEAMH4W.
Charity Navigator:
the fourth year in a row, Hope For The Warriors® has received a four-star rating
on Charity Navigator. This exceptional rating, achieved by only 8% of the
nonprofits they evaluate, highlights Hope For The Warriors® financial
responsibility to the service members, military families, and families of the
fallen we support. Team members can continue to ask people to donate towards
fundraising goals with confidence! We invite you to view their latest evaluation of
our efforts on the Charity
Navigator website.
A Warrior’s Wish®:
year, Hope For The Warriors® will grant 11 wishes to support service members,
veterans, and military families. The nature of these Wishes will vary in scope
from business, fitness, financial, and outdoor-related. The enrichment process
will continue long after the Wish is granted to promote stability within the
lives of these heroes and their families. As the Wishes are granted we will
share the stories in the upcoming newsletters. Learn more about A Warriors Wish®
more information please contact Steve Barto at sbarto@hopeforthewarriors.org.
National Running Day Event:
On June 3, 2015, Team Hope For The Warriors®, in conjunction with Athleta’s
Upper West Side store, 216 Columbus
Dr., will be having a Team Hope For The Warriors® fundraiser and group run,
in Central Park. Tentatively
the event will be held from 5-8 PM, the group
run will start at 7 PM and end around 8 PM. 8% of all the sales during that period go back to
Team Hope For The Warriors. All
are welcome to attend.
Educated Running:
Educated Running, which is a group of seasoned running coaches,
will be hosting “Form 101” clinics by Coach
Munro and Coach
Hammond. They will cover a number of easy ways to improve running form
through body posture, cadence, foot-strike, and more.
Location for clinics:
JackRabbit - Union Square, 42 W 14th St. New York, NY
JackRabbit – Upper West Side, 140 W 72nd St New York, NY
Dates & Times:
Union Square - Thursday 5/21, 4PM - 5PM, RSVP
Union Square - Sunday 5/31, 11:30AM -
12:30PM, RSVP
Rock ‘n’ Roll Series:
The Rock ‘n’ Roll race series has teamed up with everydayhero
as their official fundraising platform. You can now run in any Rock ‘n’ Roll
event and raise funds for Hope For The Warriors! Beginning March 1st,
every race participant will be asked if they want to fundraise on behalf of
their favorite cause during the race registration process. When you
register and are asked to choose your charity, pick Hope For The Warriors® and
you will automatically be given a Rock ‘n’ Roll everydayhero fundraising page!
USA Track & Field
Hope For The Warriors® is now a USATF Organization and if you are also
a USATF member you can now run for Hope For The Warriors® as an organization!
Furthermore, you can compete in the USATF championships. For more information please
contact Steve Barto at sbarto@hopeforthewarriors.org.
Run For The Warriors®:
Registration is now open
for the following Run For The Warriors® events:
- 10th Annual Jacksonville Run For The Warriors® Register
- Inaugural Memorial Day Run For The Warriors® Register
- 6th Annual Big Apple Run For The Warriors® Register
- 4th Annual New Bern Run For The Warriors® Register
- 6th Annual Sunset Run For The Warriors® Register
For the complete list of
races visit www.runforthewarriors.org, check back frequently for more registration pages
coming soon.
Representing the Team:
Be sure to shoot us an email with your race schedule and where you
will be wearing your Team jersey. Each time you wear your jersey, you help our
mission to restore self, family, and hope. Feel free to share photos and
special stories too!
Important Links For Social Media:
Twitter When you tweet be sure
to use #TeamH4W
MarineCorps Marathon Team Facebook Group
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